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Youth Ministry

The youth ministry's main missions project is "Speed the Light," helping missionaries around the world have transportation vehicles and audio/visual equipment for ministry. There is a youth convention annually.


Our mission is to win, build, and send students for the cause of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus's words in the Great Commission passage (Matthew 28:19-20) reflect the win, build, and send call:


*"Follow me" - WIN, the call to be a follower of Christ

*"I will make you" - BUILD, the call to become more like Jesus

*"fishers of men" - SEND, the call to continue Jesus's mission


We believe God is calling for more young disciplined followers of Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, anchored in the Word of God, forged in the character of Christ and championing the kingdom of God as lifelong, productive members of the Body and cause of Christ. We are equipping the youth of Yucaipa to connect with God, family, the Church, and Christ's cause.

Contact Joél Vincent:

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